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How to stop porn addiction

How to stop porn addiction

How to stop porn addiction



If you want to know how to break porn addiction than this video should help. Many people struggle with porn addiction and want to know how to quit porn addiction. The problem is that there are not a whole lot of techniques that address the underlying issues of cravings and urges for it. Porn is like any other addiction and can lead to dependency and feed cravings. Visit official website here: http://truthofaddiction.com Some may believe that porn is natural and does no harm and SHOULD be practiced. However, there are serious cases where porn addiction affects peoples lives very negatively and it becomes compulsive.. To these people that struggle with porn addiction, whose lives are deeply affected by it, this video should help. Addressing the underlying issues in addiction and the desires to look at porn has been shown to rewire the brain and diminish cravings. There are many people who are willing to quit but just don't know how. Some spend all day fighting urges and cravings or trying to suppress them... This becomes a problem in and of itself. There is a lot of research showing that thought suppression and fighting or suppressing cravings actually feed them. This is why the strong urges do not weaken when you desperately want them to. If you want to overcome this issue you can try a different approach. Something that you may not have heard of before. When a craving hits, observe it. Just acknowledge and observe without acting out on it or trying to fight, avoid or suppress it. It does not last forever. It is something that passes with time and if you try to continually fight it, it won't go away. The best way is to step back out of the urges path and examine how it builds up and slowly diminishes. This is a great way to get rid of those cravings by letting them naturally flow past you without you getting caught up in them. You can do this. Anyone can. Everybody has the ability to stand out side themselves in their minds eye and observe their thoughts. It just takes practice and technique. This is particularly effective because it changes the relationship you have with your urges and cravings. It is no longer something to get caught up in, but something that you are okay to exist with. When you are okay with being present with that urge, they gradually pass. Urges never last forever. Urges and cravings for porn are a bit different than urges and cravings for other addictions. This is because it is a sexual addiction. Sex is one of the strongest natural instincts we have. When we try to suppress it and fight it, our body tells us no. It is natrual. It is suppose to be there. However, porn is different. People that are addicted to porn aren't just addicted to nudity, but to novelty. It changes the brain in a remarkable way. It isn't so much about watching nudity, but the dramatic changes in novelty that continually spike chemicals in the brain. When this happens we continue to use porn until our natural sexual desire becomes habitual and dulled. You can manage porn addiction by using methods that are backed by science to diminish cravings and urges. By using science-backed techniques you can get rid of those intrusive thoughts and urges that beat down on you daily. Porn can be a major problem for some people causing problems in marriage, relationships and even affect job performance because it pulls the user in to look at porn for hours on end. If you want to know how to stop a porn addiction then this video should help and check out the official website. It can be tough to know how to break porn addiction for good, but you can do it with the right tools. Learn how to quit porn addiction by addressing the desire and quit porn addiction for good. Link to video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2alcz...porn watching

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